Friday, June 11, 2010

Jennifer Aniston: On the 40th finally a baby

It is among the largest and richest stars in Hollywood. Their husbands are among those where women runterklappt the jaw. Now, on Wednesday, is actress Jennifer Aniston 40th And reveals a large birthday interview that they are beginning to have the baby panic.
Aniston over the age ... ... "I'm not saying that I'm 40th I say I'm 30 and 10 I do not feel like 40 yes
... The family: "Do I want children? Sure, I want and I will. The women who inspire me, have kids. I want that too. I would even like some of them and I think I'm on a good path. "
... Her current lover, the rock star John Mayer (31; "Your Body is a Wonderland"): "I'm incredibly in love with him. He is just wonderful. "
... The separation from Brad Pitt after five years of marriage: "The separation of Brad was the hardest thing I've ever experienced. But time has made me stronger. Now I admire Brad and I'm very proud of him. "
... The relationship with fellow actor Vince Vaughn: "I call my Vince defibrillator. He has brought me back to life. He is sometimes like a bull in a china shop, but adorable and funny. "
... Men in general: "They are really a good thing. As long as they are not crazy. "