Saturday, June 5, 2010

Salt deficiency! Communities threatened liability

Gelsenkirchen -
If roads are not scattered and other dangerous roads or cleared of snow, can motorists, pedestrians and cyclists in an accident and injury compensation claim. This was underlined by traffic law Arndt Kempgen out, given the current salt deficiency.
Oberhausen must dodge already on aggregates and sand, because the city has gone out since Wednesday, the road salt. Local authorities should take precautions in time that the main transport points are sprinkled with the best possible means, said Kempgen.
In contrast to the salt does not lower the mix of sand and granules freezing point of water. "Could be liable if this is only the second best solution, therefore, the city," said the lawyer. Cities should be based on the storage of litter means not only of the past two years.
"The communities need to fulfill their obligations to provide vehicles and advertising media. If it is a normal winter comes to shortages, in my view a clear indication of a breach of duty, "said Kempgen.
With prolonged snowfalls municipality must start during the snowfall with coarse litter means. However, this is not legally, for the night: After an earlier landmark ruling of the Supreme Court for a 40, which was then still called Ruhrschnellweg must be a nocturnal cluster service for highways and motorways are not established. For private streets and squares of the owner is required to clear the roads.
The Cities and Municipalities NRW Meanwhile the producers of the lack of road salt responsible. Chief Executive Bernd Juergen Schneider accused the salt producers to supply highway and road maintenance a priority.
With all due respect for the preference of the trunk road network, it is still unacceptable that the supplies for cities and communities were recruited for an indefinite period, said Schneider. According to the contract deliveries were promised within 48 hours.
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